Kenton Worthington
"Lehet félelmed vagy bizalmad, de kettő együtt nem."
"Lehetetlen felkészültnek lenni a remek lehetőségekhez, amiket az élettől kaphatunk."
"Soha ne hazudj senkinek arról, hogy megcsinálod, ha nem."
"A világnak szüksége van rád. Add a hangod a világnak!"
"Sose feledkezz meg a papÃrról és a tollról/ceruzáról!"
A saját gondolataim az élőről:
Annyi erÅ‘t kaptam ahhoz, hogy épÃtsem a saját sikeremet, Ãrjam a saját történeteimet, verseimet és az életemet. Ezután annyi motivációt kaptam ahhoz, hogy higgyek magamban. Ahogy a programozási nyelveket gyakorlom mindennap. És tudom, hogy fejlÅ‘dök, mert nem csak én látom, de a szüleim is. Gyakorlás teszi a mestert.
A saját idézetem:
"Az új dolgok mindig ijesztőnek tűnnek, de ez nem azt jelenti, hogy rosszak is lennének nekünk. "
"You either have fear or you have faith. You cannot have both."
Hi guys! (: I would like to tell you about a fantastic event I have had an opportunity to take part in it. I could hear the beginning of an adventure of a wonderful man in one hour on 28th April at 8:30.
"Impossible to be prepared for the great gifts, our life can provide us."
A man who started to work in network marketing at 14 years old. He bankrupted at age 27 when a man from NuSkin told him, he can provide him a great opportunity. He started his network marketing and he thought he had success until he bankrupted again. The man from NuSkin called him again, but he didn't act as he imagined. He gave him a big opportunity to work for NuSkin and now he is a successful man and he works hard for his money every day. He speaks Hungarian really well too.
"Never, ever lie to someone that you will do something if you do not."
"The world needs you. Give your voice to the world!"
"Never forget a pen/pencil and a notebook!"
"I'm doing this!"
My own thoughts about this live stream:
It gained so much power to build my own success, write my own stories, poems, and life. After this, I got so much motivation to believe in myself. As I practice the programming languages every day. I know I improved and my family knows as well. Practice always makes everything better.
It gained so much power to build my own success, write my own stories, poems, and life. After this, I got so much motivation to believe in myself. As I practice the programming languages every day. I know I improved and my family knows as well. Practice always makes everything better.
My own new quote:
"The new things are always scary, but it doesn't mean they are wrong for us."
Remélem tetszett ez a bejegyzés nektek! Én nagyon örülök, hogy résztvehettem ezen a beszélgetésen.
I hope you enjoy this post! I'm very thankful for the opportunity to able to participate.
Virag (Virginia)